Happy new year!

We look back at a pretty exciting year! New ideas, collaborations and equipment, and quite a few papers on their way, make that we expect even a better year for 2023.

A few highlights of 2022:

Niels Harlaar published his much anticipated paper about the conditional immortalization of human atrial cardiomyocytes in Nature Biomedical Engineering.

He also won the Hugo van Poelgeest Prize, which is a scientific prize for excellent, animal-free research in the life sciences, aimed at the young, new generation of scientists (since 1897...). 

Emile Nyns published his paper regarding optical cardioversion of arrhythmias with an implanted LED device in Cardiovascular Research, while Pim van Gorp published his work on cardiomyogenic differentiation and SBK2 in Circulation Research. 

Arti Ramkisoensing was nominated for the best LUMC teacher award, the prof. dr. G.J. Tammelingprijs.

Tim de Coster and Said Askar both received an Off Road grant from ZonMw to study self-terminating arrhythmias and xenotransformation, respectively.

Natalija Bogunovic has received a research grant from the Leiden University Fund.

Daniël Pijnappels received the ERC Consolidator Grant (CoG: €2M) for this project entitled "Translational optoelectronic control of cardiac rhythm in atrial fibrillation", which will only further strengthen the collaboration between LUMC and the Delft Technical University.

Daniël also received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the Council for Basic Cardiovascular Science during the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) 2022 meeting in Barcelona.

He was also appointed full professor early spring this year.

Finally, 4 new lab members joined the lab with Niels and Pim leaving the lab to continue their medical training.