Well-deserved retirement for Margreet: 15 years of dedication and more!


Margreet joined the lab 15 years ago and made important contributions to our work. She will now enjoy her retirement, so no more "worries" about cloning schemes and strange bands on gels.

We wish you and your family all the best!!! Lees verder

Oral and poster presentations at ESC 2018 in Munich


We will present 3 different projects at the ESC 2018 meeting in Munich. 

Magda Fontes will present her work on biological defibrillation in the diseased adult rat heart during one of the poster sessions.

Emile Nyns will share his latest results on termination of atrial fibrillation by local optogenetic gene therapy.

Finally, and proudly, Niels Harlaar will present, for the very first time, his project on conditional immortalization of human atrial cardiomyocytes. Curious to know how large we... Lees verder



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LVAD: 1. Uitleg over de HeartMate 3 controller


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Dr. S. Siregar


Dr. S. (Sabrina) Siregar is sinds 2013 in opleiding tot cardio-thoracaal chirurg aan het Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum.

Na haar afstuderen heeft zij van 2009 tot 2013 klinisch werk verricht op de afdeling Cardio-thoracale chirurgie in het Universitair Medisch centrum Utrecht (UMCU). In 2010 is zij gestart met haar promotieonderzoek naar uitkomsten in de hartchirurgie in Nederland. Het onderzoek resulteerde in het proefschrift getiteld “Safety in cardiac surgery”, waarmee zij in 2013 cum la... Lees verder

Angina pectoris


Wat is angina pectoris?Angina pectoris (oftewel hartkramp) is pijn of een beklemmend gevoel op de borst. Het ontstaat door een vernauwing in de klansslagaderen (de aderen die de hartspier van bloed en daarmee zuurstof voorzien) waardoor de bloed- en zuurstoftoevoer naar de hartspier verminderd is.  

Wat zijn de symptomen?Bij angina pectoris is meestal sprake van drukkende of beklemmende pijn, meestal midden op de borst. De pijn kan uitstralen naar de armen, hals en kaken. De klachten ontstaan v... Lees verder

Zeinab Neshati, PhD


Zeinab Neshati, who is originally from Mashhad, Iran, has received personal funding for her PhD training, which she started in 2009. She focuses on the development and use of viral vectors for genetic interventions in various models of cardiac arrhythmias.

Zeinab succesfully defended her thesis in December 2014, and soon after returned to Mashhad, Iran. Here she will continue her career in biomedical science. Lees verder

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....eLife! Our paper on optical control of spiral wave dynamics has been accepted by this exciting journal. Congrats to Rupa and Iolanda et al.


 We have published our paper entitled "Optogenetics enables real-time spatiotemporal control over spiral wave dynamics in an excitable cardiac system" in eLife. Rupa and Iolanda have combined their skills and expertise to investigate spiral wave dynamics, thereby showing how one can gain spatiotemporal control over these dynamics by means of optogenetics. 

The abstract reads as follows:

Propagation of non-linear waves is key to the functioning of diverse biological systems. Such wave... Lees verder

LVAD: 2. De HeartMate 3 controller aansluiten op de MPU


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