Syndroom van Marfan

Het syndroom van Marfan is een erfelijke aandoening waarbij het bindweefsel in het lichaam niet goed wordt aangemaakt. Bindweefsel geeft steun aan de organen in het lichaam, onder andere aan de grote lichaamsslagader (aorta). Door de gestoorde aanmaak van het bindweefsel kan de aorta bij patiënten met het syndroom van Marfan groter worden. Hoe groter de aortadiameter wordt, hoe groter de kans is dat de aorta scheurt. Het scheuren van de aorta is meestal fataal.

Onderzoek / diagnoseHet syndroom... Lees verder

Arti A. Ramkisoensing, MD, PhD

After finishing medical school and my masters in Biomedical Sciences, the decision to do a PhD at the laboratory of Experimental Cardiology was easily made. It gave me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge and skills in the field of cardiovascular stem cell biology without losing touch with the clinic. My PhD training mainly focused on unraveling environmental, molecular and genetic determinants of cardiac differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. Here you can find my full thesis.

Thro... Lees verder

We have a new lab member: Tim de Coster

Tim has joined our team as a postdoctoral researcher on the ERC-supported Bio-ICD project. He is specialized in mathematical modelling & computational biology and will use his skills and knowledge to further investigate biological cardiac defibrillation. Good luck and have fun! Lees verder

LVAD: 5. HeartMate 3 Alarmen met lage prioriteit

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Persisterende ductus van Botalli

Persisterende ductus van Botalli is een aangeboren hartafwijking.De ductus van Botalli is een vat dat aanwezig is in het hart tijdens de ontwikkeling voor de geboorte. Het bevindt zich dan tussen de longslagader en de aorta, en dient om de circulatie naar de longen, die in de foetus nog niet nodig is, te kunnen kortsluiten naar de lichaamscirculatie. Na de geboorte zal de ductus sluiten, en is het alleen nog een bindweefselstrengetje tussen de longslagader en aorta.

In sommige gevallen kan de d... Lees verder

Jia will defend her PhD thesis on Nov 28th. Good luck!

Jia has finished her PhD thesis, entitled "Cellular models for fundamental and applied biomedical research". She will defend her thesis publically on Nov 28th in front of family, friends, and a dedicated thesis committee.

Her PhD training was supported by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).

Good luck Jia! Lees verder

LVAD: 6. De HeartMate 3 batterij oplader

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Antoine A.F. de Vries, PhD

He studied Biology (specialization Chemical Biology) at Utrecht University and in 1994 received a PhD degree in Veterinary Virology from the same university. As recipient of a long-term EMBO fellowship, he worked for 1 year at the Center for Biosciences of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

In 1999, Twan accepted a permanent position as acting group leader in the laboratory of Domenico Valerio (Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center) to use his extens... Lees verder

Our new "dry lab" for computer simulation has arrived!

Triple GPU-based computer modeling will allow us to go for more advanced simulations and also much quicker. Sasha, Tim and Nina (Kudryashova, PhD; guest researcher) are very excited to start using this system for their studies into cardiac arrhythmias, biological defibrillation and much more, including the use of neural networks. Lees verder

LVAD: 7. Controllerwissel HeartMate 3 met 1 beschikbare stroombron

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