Cited 12 times since 2022 (6 per year) source: EuropePMC The Lancet. Oncology, Volume 23, Issue 7, 25 4 2022, Pages 833-835 Immunogenicity after second and third mRNA-1273 vaccination doses in patients receiving chemotherapy, immunotherapy, or both for solid tumours. Oosting SF, van der Veldt AAM, Fehrmann RSN, GeurtsvanKessel CH, van Binnendijk RS, Dingemans AC, Smit EF, Hiltermann TJN, den Hartog G, Jalving M, Westphal TT, Bhattacharya A, de Wilt F, Boerma A, van Zijl L, Rimmelzwaan GF, Kvistborg P, van Els CACM, Rots NY, van Baarle D, Haanen JBAG, de Vries EGE