Tim De Coster, PhD

Tim De Coster is specialized in experimental and theoretical biophysics underlying cardiac arrhythmias.

Tim is a postdoctoral researcher with a multifaceted expertise bridging the realms of biomedical sciences (PhD @ KU Leuven, 2019 under the supervision of Piet Claus and Karin R. Sipido) and physics (PhD @ UGent, 2019 under the supervision of Sasha Panfilov, MSc @ KU Leuven, 2014). For his PhD thesis, he investigated the influence of adipose tissue into the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias, both looking at structural and electrical changes to the heart. He has delved into the intricate domain of heart rhythm disorders, integrating a diverse array of techniques to unravel their complexities. 

His research journey spans the application of cutting-edge methodologies, including optical voltage mapping and dynamic patch clamp, to probe the intricacies of cardiac electrophysiology. Tim's adeptness extends beyond experimental techniques; he proficiently employs computational modeling and explores dynamical systems to decipher the underlying mechanisms governing cardiac rhythm dynamics.

He joined the Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology in the fall of 2018 for four years to delve deeper into the concept of biological defibrillation. Starting from 2022 he performed independent research at the Netherlands Heart Institute towards the underlying mechanisms of spontaneously terminating arrhythmias (supported by a ZonMw Off Road grant). Starting this April (2024), Tim will join the lab again to further explore innovative methodologies and comprehensive understanding of cardiac rhythm disorders.

Email: T.J.C.de_Coster@lumc.nl

Publication: Pubmed