Pim R.R. van Gorp, MD, MSc

PhD: 2017-22

Pim van Gorp joined our lab for his PhD training in the early Spring of 2017 after finishing his medical and biomedical studies.

Before he was a graduate student in our lab studying the pathophysiological mechanisms of ventricular arrhythmia in patients with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. During his PhD training, which is supported by a grant from ZonMw (Meer Kennis Minder Dieren / More Knowledge Less Animals), he will focus on the generation and characterization of lines of conditionally immortalized human cardiomyocytes for disease modeling and design of novel biological therapeutics.

Pim is about to finish his training and is expected to defend his thesis early 2023.

Email: P.R.R.van_Gorp@lumc.nl