We will present during the ESC 2019 meeting in Paris

During the upcoming ESC 2019 meeting Paris we will present the data of several ongoing projects.

Niels will present his abstract entitled "Massive expansion of native human atrial cardiomyocytes through immortogenetics: generation of the hiAM cell lines" during a moderated poster session.

Pim will present his abstract entitled "Identification of novel cardiomyogenic factors by transcriptome analysis of conditionally immortalized atrial myocytes" during a moderated poster session.

Jia 's abstract is entitled "Transcriptome changes in atrial myocytes during the transition from a proliferative into a contractile phenotype and vice versa", which she will present during a regular poster session.

Emile will present his abstract during the Young Investigator Award session in the category Basic Science.

Daniel has been invited to talk about optogenetics and atrial fibrillation