Oral (3) and poster (1) presentations at the Heart Rhythm Society meeting in Boston

We will present 3 different projects at the HRS 2018 meeting in Boston. 

Iolanda Feola will present her work on optogenetic "dragging" of spiral waves during one of the poster sessions.

Emile Nyns will share his latest data regarding termination of atrial fibrillation by local optogenetic gene therapy, while in the same session Magda will show her data about biological defibrillation in an adult rat model of chronic pressure overload.

Finally, Daniel Pijnappels will give an overview talk about the design and development of optogenetics-inspired therapies for cardiac arrhythmias during an invited lecture-session fully dedicated to cardiac optogenetics. Ed Boyden (MIT) will kick off this session as one of the founding fathers of optogenetics.

These studies have been supported by a Vidi grant from the The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and a Starting grant from the European Research Council (ERC).